What is E-mail marketing, and why is it important for E-commerce?

E-mail marketing is the practice by which companies send informational and product-focused content via an e-mailed letter to a subscriber list that comprises potential and existing customers. Online businesses utilise newsletters to keep their brand top-of-mind for consumers, establishing authority in the space and notifying readers of products that may interest them.
Gauging the success of newsletters
Like all marketing initiatives, newsletters need to have a quantifiable impact on the business.
The first step is setting measurable goals, which often include:
Increase recipients, measured in subscribers
Making the newsletter be read, measured by open rate
Making the desired action (typically a visit to the website), measured by click-through rate
Obtain a purchase, measured in attributed revenue
These base goals are catered for by various sales campaigns or business initiatives the newsletter could reinforce. For example, an online clothing retailer heading into the fall season may want to promote their collection of jackets and other winter clothing. The newsletter could then contain content about winter fashion trends, with tracking links to cold-weather products.

Effective newsletters are informational, not sales-driven
Web users regularly get bombarded with offers, sales, and promotions. To get customers to open and read an E-mail, the content needs to be genuinely interesting – beyond an attempt to sell them merchandise or services. Users are much more likely to open an E-mail targeted to educating or entertaining them, and this is accomplished by the subject line. But with that expectation comes the necessity to actually follow through on the subject’s promise.
Newsletters give online businesses an opportunity to demonstrate authority and expertise on the subject of their products. Tell subscribers why certain materials are better, some styles are popular, or a story about your brand. These give readers a reason to trust you and also tell a story that brings more personality to your brand. Customers with a strong attachment to a particular company spend 23% more than average consumers, and the newsletter is a prime candidate to distinguish a brand from the competition.
One proposed methodology for newsletters is 90/10: 90% information, 10% sales material. With the right balance, less is more and the educational material will lead to more sales than sheer product copy.
Want to know more about our newsletter marketing?
Get in touch with us today to hear more about your opportunities, pricing, processes and more.

Newsletter Marketing

Yes, we could also have included this in the Online Advertising section, but newsletters have become so important, that they now get their own section. A newsletter contains news of the activities of a business, or an organization and is sent by mail regularly to all its members, customers, employees or people, who are interested in receiving news and updates about it. Newsletters generally contain one main topic of interest to their recipients. Newsletters are delivered electronically via E-mail and can be viewed as spamming if sent unsolicited. That’s the dry basics.
Newsletters are a great way of reaching out to existing customers to motivate them to (re)order from your business

What is E-mail marketing, and why is it important for E-commerce?

 E-mail marketing is the practice by which companies send informational and product-focused content via an e-mailed letter to a subscriber list that comprises potential and existing customers. Online businesses utilize newsletters to keep their brand top-of-mind for consumers, establishing authority in the space and notifying readers of products that may interest them.

E-mail marketing is the practice by which companies send informational and product-focused content via an e-mailed letter to a subscriber list that comprises potential and existing customers. Online businesses utilize newsletters to keep their brand top-of-mind for consumers, establishing authority in the space and notifying readers of products that may interest them.

Gauging the success of newsletters

Like all marketing initiatives, newsletters need to have a quantifiable impact on the business.

The first step is setting measurable goals, which often include:

Increase recipients, measured in subscribers
Make the newsletter be read, measured by open rate
Make sure the desired action (typically a visit to the website) is taken, measured by click-through rate
Obtain a purchase, measured in attributed revenue

These base goals are catered for by various sales campaigns or business initiatives the newsletter could reinforce. For example, an online clothing retailer heading into the fall season may want to promote their collection of jackets and other winter clothing. The newsletter could then contain content about winter fashion trends, with tracking links to cold-weather products.

Effective newsletters are informational, not sales-driven

Web users regularly get bombarded with offers, sales, and promotions. To get customers to open and read an E-mail, the content needs to be genuinely interesting – beyond an attempt to sell them merchandise or services.

Users are much more likely to open an E-mail targeted to educating or entertaining them, and this is accomplished by the subject line. But with that expectation comes the necessity to actually follow through on the subject’s promise.
Newsletters give online businesses an opportunity to demonstrate authority and expertise on the subject of their products. Tell subscribers why certain materials are better, some styles are popular, or a story about your brand.
These give readers a reason to trust you and also tell a story that brings more personality to your brand. Customers with a strong attachment to a particular company spend 23% more than average consumers, and the newsletter is a prime candidate to distinguish a brand from the competition.

Our proposed methodology for newsletters is 90/10:

90% information, 10% sales material!

With the right balance, less is more and the educational material will lead to more sales than sheer product copy.
Do you want to know more about Newsletter Marketing? Feel free to get in touch with us to know more about our pricing, procedure and more.

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