
Nowadays, we use Google for everything. No matter what we might be looking for; be it a fancy restaurant or a service provider for our hobbies, our business or activities for our family – the first step often is to refer to Google’s search bar.Now, put yourself in the place of your potential customer. If they Google your business and find nothing, how do you think they’ll feel? Worried? You would probably be too when searching for a business you consider investing your trust into.

A website presence allows your business to show the world your business and helps you present your products or services in a handy and informative way. If you don’t happen to know how to make a website, what do you do? You probably Google for a solution. Type “I need a website” and you’ll be hit by the adverts of a lot of digital web agencies, one promising more than the next. What you need to do next is to filter; filter which agency deserves your trust.

If your search leads you to this article; our web-development services, we’ve probably done something right – and that means, we can work that “magic” for you too. At Mindstormers International, we not only design, build and host your website, but also to maintain it and update the content. In short – we handle all your web-presence, so you don’t have to! We give your business the possibility to present itself in a unique manner and showcase what makes you, You.

Before you begin

Before you get going, you should make sure what direction you want your website to go. Depending on your business, there are different methods on how to build your website. Our dedicated team will help you through the process. Throughout the entire process, you will be able to follow us from the sideline, and be given the ability to comment on every bit of the design and functionality – and ultimately, share your thoughts with us in regard to improvements. In other words, you will have full control of your website development.

You need content with that?

Having your own website is nice and all, but what now? Which content should go along with it? Which content will attract your customers to your business? No worries! We can assist you with that, too! Creating and managing website content on your website is in our DNA. All you need to do is to give you input, sit back and just enjoy watching your website grow and get increased engagement. You, in turn, can take care of more important matters and let us handle the rest!

We make your website

We, from Mindstormers International, will do all that, and much more. No matter if you’d like your website to be based on WordPress, Magento, or any other technology, we gladly create, design and maintain it for you! If you would like to learn more about our web-development services and how we can be of assistance to you, feel free to contact us!